(报告时间更新)北卡罗莱纳州立大学Stefan Franzen学术报告通知

来源:浙江大学化学系 发布时间:2008-05-21   3124

Scientific Discovery: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Lecturer: Stefan Franzen, Professor of Chemistry, North Carolina State University This general interest overview discusses the role of science in society with a perspective to how it is practiced and taught. The title is a playful reference to the famous Western "The good, the bad and ugly", which is briefly mentioned as a cultural point of departure. Specifically, examples of the scientific method that have led to breakthroughs with great societal benefit and discussed as "good science". Examples of bad science include the famous example of cold fusion as well as a general consideration of how standards have been affected by changes in the scientific culture. Finally, the section on ugly science discusses the misuse of opinion as a scientific argument, the bias of journals that are influenced by corporations and scientific fraud. 报告时间:2008年5月26日(星期一)下午16:00 报告地点:浙江大学紫金港校区西一217教室 欢迎各位师生踊跃参加! 浙江大学 理学院化学系 2008年5月19日

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