教授 / Prof. Feng-Shou Xiao
肖丰收,浙江大学求是特聘教授,博士生导师。于1983年在吉林大学获得学士学位,1990年获得博士学位 (吉林大学、大连化物所以及日本北海道大学联合培养),后在美国加州大学Davis分校从事博士后研究,1996年任吉林大学教授,1998年获得国家基金委杰青项目资助,2009年入职浙江大学。目前担任亚洲太平洋催化理事会(APACS)秘书长、中国催化学会委员、中国分子筛学会委员、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research副主编、Chemcatchem,J. Energy Chem.和Catalysis Surveys from Asia 编委等职。1996年入选教育部优秀青年教师;1997年获得跨世纪优秀人才资助;1998年获得国家杰出青年资助;2001年入选吉林省管专家;2008年获得Thomson科学研究前沿奖;2009年获得教育部自然科学二等奖;2019年获得浙江省发明一等奖;2021年获得第三届中国分子筛成就奖;2022年入选中国化学会会士。其主要研究方向为沸石分子筛的绿色合成、针对能源和环保的沸石催化剂开发,在Science, Nat. Catal., Nat. Nanotech., Chem, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等国际刊物上作为通讯作者发表多篇论文500余篇,他引25000余次,当前H因子82,获得授权专利130余项,在国内外会议上做Plenary和Keynote报告50余次。Prof. Feng-Shou Xiao received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in the Department of Chemistry, Jilin University, China. From there he moved to Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China for Ph. D. research, then to the Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University, Japan, where he was involved in collaborative research between Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics & Jilin University, China with Hokkaido University, Japan. He was a Ph.D. student in Dalian for one year and in Sapporo for two years. In 1990, he was awarded his Ph.D. degree at Jilin University. After postdoctoral work at the University of California at Davis, USA, he joined the faculty at Jilin University in 1994, where he became a full professor in 1996 and distinguished professor in 2003. Since the end of 2009, Dr. Xiao as a distinguished professor has moved to Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University. Currently, he is an associate editor of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, also serving as secretary of the Asia-Pacific Association of Catalysis Societies. His research is mainly focused on zeolites, porous materials, and catalysis. He has more than 500 peer-reviewed papers with over 25 000 citations, H-index of 82, 130 granted patents, and over 50 plenary and keynote lectures at international conferences.代表性论文/Selected papers1. W. Fang, C. T. Wang, Z. Q. Liu, L. Wang*, L. Liu, A. M. Zheng*, X. D. Qin, L. J. Liu, F.-S. Xiao*, Physical mixing of a catalyst and a hydrophobic polymer promotes CO hydrogenation through dehydration, Science, 2022, 377, 406-410.2. H. Zhou, X. F. Yi, Y. Hui, L. Wang*, W. Chen, Y. C. Qin, M. Wang, J. B. Ma, X. F. Chu, Y. Q. Wang, H. Hong, Z. F. Chen, X. J. Meng*, H. Wang, Q. Y. Zhu, L. J. Song, A. M. Zheng, F.-S. Xiao*, Isolated boron in zeolite for oxidative dehydration of propane, Science, 2021, 372, 76-80.3. Z. Jin, L. Wang*, E. Zuidema, K, Mondal, M. Zhang, J. Zhang, C. T. Wang, X. J. Meng, Q. H. Yang, C. Mesters, F.-S. Xiao*, hydrophobic zeolite modification for in-situ peroxide formation in methane oxidation to methanol, Science, 2020, 367, 193-197.4. C. T. Wang, W. Fang, Z. Q. Liu, L. Wang*, Z. W. Liao, Y. R. Yang, H. J. Li, L. Liu, H. Zhou, X. D. Qin, S. D. Xu, X. F. Chu, Y. Q. Wang, A. M. Zheng*, F.-S. Xiao*, Fisher-Tropsch syntehsis to olefins boosted by MFI zeolite nanosheets, Nature Nanotechnology, 2022, 17, 714-720.5. J. Zhang, L. Wang*, B. S. Zhang, H. S. Zhang, U. Kolb, Y. H. Zhu, L. M. Liu, Y. Han, G. X. Wang, C. T. Wang, D. S. Su, B, C, Gates, F-S. Xiao*, Sinter-resistant metal nanopartricle catalysts achieved by immobilization within zeolite crystals via seed-directed growth, Nature Catalysis, 2018, 1, 540-546.
Prof. Feng-Shou Xiao received his B. S. and M. S. degrees in Jilin University, China. From there he as a Ph. D. student moved to Hokkaido University, Japan, where he was involved in collaborative research between China and Japan. He was awarded his Ph. D. degree at Jilin University in 1990. After postdoctoral work at University of California at Davis, USA, he joined the faculty at Jilin University in 1994, where he is a full and distinguished professor of Chemistry.